Sunday, June 30, 2019

My previous publications for free

I want people to know that I am turning my blog writings into a book that should be out in 5-6 weeks. It will be entitled:

Was the Garden of Eden Real?
New Geologic Data Bearing on Its Existence.

The new geologic data I have noticed will should be out there for the world to ponder, accept or reject.  As everyone knows, I am on hospice, but I feel certain my sons will make sure this book gets to Kindle. At this point I intent to sell it on Kindle, and since, I will soon be gone from the earth (1-4 months), everyone can pick it apart without any back talk from me.  lol.  Below are my old works and my new work won't be available from this site. It will come exclusively from Kindle when the work and the deal is finished. 

Our God is great and He is very real. What he inspired in his Bible is true. For a preview of the data, see The Rivers of Eden, Blind Chance, or Divine Revelation?  on my blog. God Bless yall.

If anyone has problems with downloading these leave a comment and I will figure it out.

Occasionally people ask for copies of my old books. While I would love to update them with new support for the ideas contained in them, there isn't much in them which I still don't support.  These books have withstood 20 years plus of the advancement of science.  There are arguments today that are better than the ones in the books, and most of them can be found on this blog, but the old arguments for the positions I took are still valid.  Anyway, my book on the flood, Foundation, Fall and Flood can be found here.

My book on how fossil man fits into everything, Adam, Apes and Anthropology, can be found here.

I also published and sold 6 Pathway Papers. Each covers a topic.  Both the books and the Pathway Papers should be considered only as how I got to my present views.  The views on this blog are being written within months of my death and I have found so much more than is in either the Pathway Papers or in my books.  My final set of views should be considered this blog.

Pathway Paper #1 Genesis 1: A Historical and Scientific Reading
Pathway Paper #2 The Invisible Pink Unicorn: Why Atheism is Intellectually Unsatisfying
Pathway Paper #3 Paley's Stone: The Universe Designed for Man
Pathway Paper #4 The Origin of Language
Pathway Paper #5 Who was Adam?
Pathway Paper #6 The Age of the Earth: A Theogeological Perspective

It irritates me that some sites are selling my books when I put them into open domain around 2010 or so, with explicit requirement that no one sell them for their profit.  Why should they profit when I get nothing.  I get nothing for the above either, and you get the books free, hopefully undermining those sellers. 

Links to my ASA posts:

Homo Floresiensis, also known as the Hobbit

Cognitive abilities of archaic hominids to plan ahead--which is a pre-requisite for religion.

Dating Adam--When did Adam live?

Random Worms-Randomness in the universe---controlled by God.

Coming Energy Crisis. Note I said by 2020. If I am wrong, I am wrong by a year or two.

Professional papers, some available some not

Prieto, Corine, and Morton, Glenn, (2003), "New Insights from a 3D Earth Model: Deep Water Region of Gulf of Mexico," The Leading Edge, 22(2003):4, p. 356-360

Morton, G. R., Conway, Paul. and McHugo, Steve. (2002), "Reversing the Earth Filter: Thin-sand Detection Using Single Sensor Data," Petrol. Expl. Soc. of Great Britain's, PETEX 2002 Meeting Abstracts  given in London, Dec. 10, 2002, CD from Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain, London.

Morton, G. R., Dobb, Angela., Conway, Paul. and McHugo, Steve. (2002), "Acquisition of High Frequency Seismic and its Implications for Reservoir Management of the Murchison field, U.K. North Sea--A Case Study," 72nd Ann. Internatl. Mtg., Soc. Exploration Geophysicists Expanded Abstracts. p. 548-551.

Knighton, Terry, Steve Western, Glenn Morton and Robert Fleming (1999), "Development of Alternative Interpretation Models and Discriminating between Them Using a Borehole Gravity Survey and a Walkaway Checkshot Survey,"  Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Technical Program, Expanded Abstracts with Authors' Biographies, 69th Annual Meeting, Oct 31-Nov 5, 1999, Vol.1, p. 228-231.

Morton, Glenn; Schlirf, Paul; Chang, Mark; and  Kriechbaum, Victor, "The History of Seismic in the Gulf of Mexico," Presented to and published by the American Association of Petroleum Landmen, Jan. 22, 2004, Woodlands, Texas.

Morton, Glenn; Miller, Steve, 2005. "Knowledge Management via the use of Collaboration Tools in the Oil Industry," The Energy Forum, Houston, Texas.

Simons, Gordon, Yao, Yi-Ching, and Morton, Glenn, 2003, "Global Markov Models for Eukaryote Nucleotide Data,"  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Volume 130, Issues 1-2, 1 March 2005, Pages 251-275

Simons, Gordon and Morton, Glenn, 2003 "The Gene-Orientation Structure of Eukaryotes," Journal of Theoretical Biology, 222:4:471-475.

1 comment:

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